Is happiness just the sum of individual pleasures?

By Eric Howell <>

Happiness is one of those things in life that we all try to achieve, but what does it really mean. I will not try and define what happiness means, because it means so many different things to everyone on Earth. I believe that Happiness is feeling good, having a good time, or just being content with your current state of being or surroundings. At least that is what Happiness means for me. I do not really know if Happiness is a sum of anything. You can be happy doing one thing like walking. Now that does not mean that I only find happiness when I am walking, because lots of stuff makes me happy. Sometimes it is the small goals that have the key to happiness. Maybe we feel a greater happiness when we accomplish many small goals, but to say that individual pleasures are a sum of a feeling may or may not be true. There is more to happiness than just small pleasures. Someone who says that when they are rich, they will be happy. What happens when they are rich? They find that money didn't bring the pleasure that they wished, and continue to seek what they want happiness to be. They seek it through material things, and for some that is happiness, but happiness is more than our being individuals or what the material world holds. It is something else, and that cannot be explained.

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Karen Long <>

Good paper! Happiness is one of those things that you really can't explain. For some, maybe little things do add up to happiness, or what that person thinks is happiness. We can only measure what happiness is to ourselves. We can't measure other people's happiness because of the fact that they are other people, and not ourself. There is no way to know. Again, good paper!

nichole vernon <>

good job, e. happiness is hard to define but you proved your points very well in your paper

Travis Galloway <>

I agree with you Howless... Happiness seems to be this big thing that can never truly be captured but it leaves hints of itself all over other things... kinda like a giant slug who can run really fast... everyone wants to catch the slug, and in following him, they pick up little pieces of his "goo"..... ..... This to me is happiness... Damn fine work Magel...

Matt Wright <>

fine job

Kimberly Pitts <KLP103@hotmail>

Happiness is truely hard to define and explain, but you did a good job proving you point.

Danny Frady <>

Good to go! I am happy....

Eric Doyle Knight <>

Good paper. I tend to agree that the Giant Slug of Happiness is something more than simply smaller pleasures accumulated. It seems as some greater amorphous idea. However, may the key to finding that happiness perhaps lie in learning to appreciate those smaller pleasures more? Or does it supercede those, general happiness regardless of circumstance? Or both at once somehow? Or is it that one would simply like to think that it is something greater?

Heather Renfro <>

Good Job! I like the examples you used.

Cynthia Glanton <>

You did a good job defining a subject that is so very hard to define.

Tally Loyd <>

My personal idea of happiness is similar to that of Travis. I've never been able to catch myself in an exact moment of being happy; it constantly eludes in-the-moment detection.
Like dreaming. Once one realizes that one is dreaming, one is no longer doing so.

cindy bourret <>

very good paper and to the point

Chris Graham <>

Good paper

Crystal Gray <>

Nice job.

Will Mulkey <>

Great job!

Chad Williams <>

Nice work.

Heather Ferguson <>

Good job, I agree that happiness cannot be defined in only way. There are many actions, items, etc that can or acnnot attribute to one' shappiness. It is a very subjective topic. Anyway, nice job.

Amanda Thompson <>

everyone could define happiness in their own unique way. i think you did a great job covering this topic and explaining your views.

jasonstansill <>

Good job! Well put!

nichole vernon <>

good job ! i really enjoyed your paper.

missy kergosien <>

Good paper! You're right, happiness is hard to define.

WEndy Garner <>

good paper

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