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Philosophy 302: Ethics
Quiz: The Socratic Paradox

Directions: Mark the following questions as "true" or as "false."

1. __________ Socrates believed that knowledge is the same thing as virtue or excellence and is always good.


2. __________ Socrates believed that ignorance is the same thing as evil and is always immoral.


3. __________ Socrates believes that we are responsible for what we know and, indeed, are held accountable for what we know.


4. __________ According to Socrates' doctrine, no one could possibly knowingly act evilly.


5. __________ Since everyone seeks his own good, it follows that when we are unhappy we are acting in ignorance.


6. __________ Socrates believed that the only thing more important than doing the right thing is a life-and-death decision.


7. __________ If Socrates is right, some people knowingly do some things they really know they shouldn't.


8. __________ Socrates implies that if I am ignorant, then it is still possible that I might make a good decision by luck.


9. __________ Socrates would agree that in a few cases cheating could be to one's long-term advantage.


10.__________ The Socratic Paradox is probably wrong because some people actually do try to harm themselves.

 Recommended Sources

Quiz on the Socratic ParadoxAn Introduction to Philosophy quiz on the Socratic Paradox.
Socratic Paradox:
Lecture notes from the Introduction to Philosophy.
Why Be Moral?
: The Socratic Paradox is used as one example of the belief that it is to your advantage to be moral.

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