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“Mulberry Ring” Thomas Nast, Library of Congress, P & P Online, LC-USZ62-85436

Argumentum ad Baculum

Abstract: The argumentum ad baculum is based upon the appeal to force or threat in order to bring about the acceptance of a conclusion. The fallacy is explained here in both its fallacious and its nonfallacious forms with illustrative examples.

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  1. The traditional Argumentum ad Baculum (fear of force): the fallacy committed when one appeals to force or the threat of force to bring about the acceptance of a conclusion.

    1. The ad baculum derives its strength from an appeal to human timidity or fear and is traditionally a fallacy when the threat by an illegitimate authority is not semantically or logically related to the consequential claim being made. Not all ad baculum arguments are fallacious.

      1. Fallacious Version: The ad baculum fallacy occurs whenever an irrelevant threat of some kind is employed to induce agreement with the purported conclusion of an argument.

        Fallacious Example: St. Bernard's call to the Second Crusade (which ended tragically):
        “[T]he living God has charged me to announce to you that He will punish them who shall not have defended Him against His enemies. Fly then to arms … ‘Cursed be he who does not stain his sword with blood!’”[1]
        The implicit argument is if you do not help defend the Christian world against God's enemies, God will condemn you to suffer eternal punishment. So your well-being depends on fighting God's enemies.

        The threat of force is an incentive to act as if the conclusion is true, but the threat of force is not a reason for the truth of the conclusion. The truth of a statement is independent of the threat of force.

        In effect St. Bernard is claiming the call to arms is justifiable not because it's true but because of the unfortunate consequences which he thinks will ensue if one does not act as though it were true.

      2. Nonfallacious Version: The nonfallacious ad baculum argument provides an appropriate or legitimately related relevant threat as a reason for a conclusion.

        Nonfallacious Example:
        “The American Automobile Association warned filling gas tanks with a blend of 15 percent ethanol could damage cars and void warranties. … [U]sing the new ‘E15’ blend might either void warranties or warranties might not cover fuel-related claims.”[2]
        The argument is that since 15 percent ethanol gasoline might damage autos and void warranties, the EPA should halt sales. No fallacy occurs in this implied argument since the threat of harm to automobile engines is patently causally relevant to the issue of using the ethanol-blended fuel.

    2. The traditional schema of the argumentum ad baculum fallacy can be structured with either a conditional or a disjunctive premise.[3] The typical conditional form of the traditional ad baculum schema is as follows:

      Traditional Ad Baculum Schema

      If statement p argument a is accepted, or action Z is done, then logically irrelevant event E will happen.

      Event E is harmful, dangerous, or threatening.

      Statement p, argument a, or action Z is not acceptable.

      However, most traditional informal logicians state this scheme in terms of practical or beneficial reasoning with a conclusion of this argument stated with a modal verb (such as “should” or “ought” in a nonmoral, prudential sense of the term):

      Traditional Ad Baculum Practical Schema

      If statement p argument a is accepted, or action Z is done, then logically irrelevant event E will happen.

      Event E is harmful, dangerous, or threatening.

      Statement p, argument a, or action Z should be rejected.

      Practical or prudential reasoning concludes with a statement expressing an the intention to complete an action or a subsequent effect.[4]

    3. The ad baculum contains implicitly or explicitly a threat. Behind this threat is often the belief that in the end, “Might makes right.”[5]

      Threats, per se, however, are not fallacies when expressed as categorical expressions of behavioral intent because statements considered by themselves, are not arguments.

      For example, the following oft-used example is not a fallacy:
      “[A robber] points his gun at a victim and threatens, ‘Your money or your life.’”[6]
      As Charles Hamblin famously wrote in support of the traditional or standard view of fallacies:
      “A fallacy is a fallacious argument. Someone who merely makes false statements, however absurd, is innocent of fallacy unless the statements constitute or express an arguments.” [emphasis original][7]
      A fallacy, whether informal or formal, is viewed as an incorrect argument or as an error in reasoning.[8]

  2. In What Sense is the Argumentum ad Baculum a Fallacy?

    The appeal to force uses threats to effect an action rather than reasons to prove a statement. As a practical or pragmatic argument, the ad baculum is not an argument in the logical sense of the term even though it is considered one of the traditional informal fallacies discussed in introductory logic and argumentation textbooks.[9]

  3. Since the use argumentum ad baculum is not intended to prove the truth of a statement but instead is intended to get an agent to do something, many logicians point out that no logical argument is present.

  4. Rather than being a process of reasoning, the ad baculum is process of emotional coercion.

  5. Brief examples of ad baculum fallacies:

    Chairman of the Board: “All those opposed to my arguments for the opening of a new department, signify by saying, ‘I resign.’”

    The Department of Transportation needs to reconsider the speed limit proposals on interstate highways for the simple reason that if they do not, their departmental budget for Department of Transportation will be cut by 25%.

    “I'm sure you can support the proposal to diversify into the fast food industry because if I receive any opposition on this initiative, I will personally see that you are transferred to the janitorial division of this corporation.”

    Edwin Landseer, “Sir Walter Scott, 1st Bt,” oil, c. 1824, National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG391 Sir Walter Scott, the novelist, opposed the legislative measure of electing representatives to Parliament by stating;
    “[I]t was part of wisdom not to put such things into their heads. The measure, if it succeeded, would lead to new demands and open a door to innovations of which none could calculate the extent or foresee the consequences.”[A]

    “On October 10, 1971, Secretary of State William P. Rogers cautioned foreign ministers that Congress might force the United States reduce its financial contributions to the United Nations if Nationalist China is expelled.”

    As a logical argument, Secretary Rogers' caution is fallacious; as a political maneuver no argument is being adduced.

  6. Since many threats involve emotional responses, they can overlap with the emotional appeal of the ad populum fallacy. The appeal to the fear of not being accepted as part of a group can often be analyzed as either the ad baculum or the ad populum.

  7. Non-fallacious examples of the ad baculum: the appeal appeal to force is relevant when the threat or the force is semantically, logically or causally related to the conclusion.

    1. For example, the environmental group Greenpeace argued that the large underground nuclear tests at Amchitka Island off Alaska in the 1960's and early 1970's could result in earthquakes, tsunamis, and resultant radiation leaks. Hence, these environmentalists opposed nuclear weapon testing.

      Since the threats listed were logically relevant possible consequences of the Nuclear Weapons Testing Program, the Greenpeace argument is not fallacious. The possible occurrence of these consequences is not decisional or prescriptive but is probabilistically causal; hence, no fallacy occurs.

      Detail from “Alberta's Oilsands Trade-Off,” Gillian Steward, _Toronto_Star_ August 29, 2015 Similarly, when environmental groups objected to the use of thermonuclear weapons for in situ recovery of oil from the Athabasca tar sands [B] and objected to the use of such explosions against ground troops, the excavation of a new Panama canal, and the development of a harbor in Australia [C] on the grounds of the dangers of radioactive contamination, such implied implied threats are relevant and causally connected to the proposed thermonuclear explosions. Consequently, such arguments would not commit the ad baculum fallacy.

    2. Threats presented simply as alternative statements are not arguments and so are not fallacies. E.g., The statements …

      “It is necessary to sleep at least eight hours or your work will suffer” or

      “If you do not sleep at least eight hours, then your work will suffer.”

      or even …

      “If the American nuclear arsenal is drastically reduced, then the U.S. cannot offer extended deterrence for Japan.”

      would not be fallacious for two reasons:

      (1) Disjunctive or conditional statements, considered in themselves, are not arguments.

      (2) The connection between the two clauses suggest a causal or decisional relation of relevancy — not a semantic or logical relation.

      It is unfortunate that many logic sources identify simple disjunctive expressions such as this one as fallacious.

    3. Undecidable Cases: In some controversies the relevancy of the threat cannot be directly determined from the the argument itself, and so such arguments cannot be reliably assessed without knowing the context of the argument.

      For example, consider whether or not you consider the following arguments fallacies:

      1. Consider first the following argument that research on certain types of viruses should not be published:

        (1) Publication of research for the creation of avian A/H5N1 influenza viruses with the capacity for airborne transmission between mammals without recombination in an intermediate host constitutes a risk for human pandemic influenza.

        (2) Human pandemic influenza signifies the death of millions.

        Research for the creation of avian A/H5N1 influenza viruses with the capacity for airborne transmission between mammals without recombination in an intermediate host should not be published.

        Analysis: In the summer of 2011 Dutch researchers from the Erasmus Medical Center created an airborne H5N1 avian flu virus and estimated the virus could kill 59% of the people it infects. [D]

        The U.S. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity recommended that the Research should not be published with experimental details because of the “unusually high magnitude of risk” of someone transforming the virus causing “a pandemic of significant proportions.”[E]

        But many scientists thought the potential threat from terrorists creating a deadly H5N1 virus was greatly exaggerated because the virus could not be easily transmitted among people. So in this case the potential benefit for public health outweighed concerns of terrorists unleashing a pandemic and the paper was published.[F]

        Since the threat of a pandemic, whether serious or greatly exaggerated, is directly relevant to the publication of the research, this example argument would not be considered fallacious.

      2. Here is second example of an implied threat:

        “China has threatened to restrict drug exports to the U.S. following President Trump's accusation that the regime withheld news of the [COVID-19] virus, which surfaced in Wuhan last December.”[G]

        Analysis: This passage is a descriptive report of a threat by China which is not logically relevant to the U.S. accusation of withholding information which would be useful for the prevention of future cases. So although the report of an fallacy is not a fallacy per se. The structure of the implicit argument is as follows:

        If the U.S. continues to accuse China of withholding coronavirus information, then China will restrict drug imports to the U.S.

        The U.S. continues to accuse China of withholding coronavirus information.

        China will restrict drug imports to the U.S.

        Note that this argument is formally valid — it is an example of modus ponens:

        If p then q.


        However, the threat as presented in informal logic commits the ad baculum fallacy, since the US accusing China of withholding coronavirus information is not evidentially relevant to China's restriction of drug imports. The basis of the connection of these two events is decisional and not semantic on the part of China.


1. Joseph Fancois Michaud, The History of the Crusades, trans. W. Robson (London: George Routledge and Sons, 1881), I:333-4. [Emphasis original.]

2. Richard S. Whiting, “Hit the Brakes on New Ethanol Blend,” Index-Journal 94 no. 257 (January 14, 2013), 6A.

3. A typical schema of ad baculum with a disjunctive premise is as follows:

Traditional Ad Baculum Disjunctive Schema

Either statement p, argument a, or action Z is accepted, or logically irrelevant event X will happen.

Event X is harmful, dangerous, or threatening.

Statement p, argument A, or action Z is not acceptable.
Again, as with the conditional schema, most informal logicians state a disjunctive scheme in terms of practical or prudential reasoning with the conclusion stated with a modal verb (such as “should” or “ought”):

Traditional Ad Baculum Practical Schema

Either statement p, argument a, or action Z is accepted, or logically irrelevant event X will happen.

Event X is harmful, dangerous, or threatening.

Statement p argument A, or action Z should not be accepted.

Practical reasoning concludes with a statement of action or subsequent effect. [Lawrence Johnston, A Short Introduction to the Study of Logic (London: Longmans, Green, 1887), 12-14.

4. The ad baculum is a distinctly different kind of informal fallacy since, properly speaking, the person or group to whom the argument is addressed is persuaded by intimidation or threat rather than by logical reasoning: sometimes this distinction is described in terms of the difference between abstract or speculative reasoning and practical or prudential reasoning.

Practical reasoning or prudential reasoning is “an argument concerned with the rational justification of action by an appeal to self-interest.” [John Woods, “Threats and Intimidation,” The Death of Argument (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2004), 68.]

The conclusion of speculative reasoning can produce a belief. The conclusion of practical reasoning can produce a desire. These two types of conclusion are often described as two different ways of determining an intention to act in common sense or folk psychology.

5. Some writers restrict the ad baculum to indirect threats only. E.g., Gary Jason, “The Nature of the Argumentum Ad Baculum,” Philosophia 17 no.4 (December 1987), 491.

Others restrict the fallacy to cases where the threat is made ineffectively or vacuously. E.g., John Woods, “Threats and Intimidation,” The Death of Argument (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2004), 68.

6. Charles L. Hamblin, Fallacies (Methuen, 1970), 224.

7. Winston Woodard, W. Harold Little and W. Edgar Moore, Applied Logic (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955), 21.

8. Or “the appearance of argumentation.” Lilian Bermejo-Luque, Giving Reasons: A Linguistic-Pragmatic Approach to Argumentation Theory (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2011), 200

Don S. Levi, “The Fallacy in the Treatment of the Ad Baculum as a Fallacy,” In Defense of Formal Logic Argumentation Library vol. 2 (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2000), 29-41. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-1850-9_3 Also here: Don S. Levi, “The Fallacy of Treating the Ad Baculum as a Fallacy,” Informal Logic 19 no. 2 & 3 (1999), 145-159.

However, on Pragma-Dialectical theory, threats, per se, can be fallacies since on that theory the ad baculum is considered a violation of the freedom rule of critical discussion:

“Parties must not prevent each other from putting forward standpoints or casting doubt on standpoints.” [Frans H. van Eemeren, “The Disguised Ad Baculum Fallacy Empirically Investigated. Strategic Maneuvering with Threats,” Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics Vol. 27 Argumentation Library (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2015), 169-170; 416-417; 813-814.

Van Eemeren points out, however, the conditional nature on fallacies on this theory: fallacy can only occur in the contexts of resolving differing opinions. [van Eemeren, Reasonableness and Effectiveness, 169n.]

Consequently, in this case, Pragma-Dialectical theory considers statements which fail to be an argument to be a fallacy. This view of fallacy is quite different from the traditional definition of fallacy as being an incorrect argument.

9. Douglas N. Walton, “Ad Baculum in the Logic Textbooks,” Scare Tactics: Arguments that Appeal to Fear and Threats (Dordrecht: Springer, 2000), 31-31. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-2940-6 Researchgate

A. David Lee Child, “A Pocket Piece,” The Liberty Bell ed. Maria Weston Chapman (Boston: Andrews and Prentiss, 1847), 284.

B. Education Foundation for Nuclear Science, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Vol. 28 (Chicago: Atomic Scientists of Chicago, 1972), 36.

C. Janet Raloff, "Plumbing the Archives," Science News 181 No. 6 (March 24, 2012), 21.

D. Tina Hesman Saey, "Designer Flu," Science News 181 No. 11 (June 2, 2012), 21.

E. Paul Keim, "Session 3: Public Health and Bioethics," as the "H5N1 Research: Biosafety, Biosecurity and Bioethics," Meeting of Royal Society et al. (April 3–4, 2012) []

F. C. Sander Herfst, et al. "Airborne Transmission of Influenza A/H5N1 Virus Between Ferrets," Science 336 No. 6088 (June 22, 2012), 1534-1541.

G. Cal Thomas, “A Lesson from Coronavirus,” Index-Journal 102 no. 8 (March 26, 2020), 7A.

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