Fallacies of Presumption Examples Quiz II     






Quiz: Fallacies of Presumption Quiz II

Directions: Identify the fallacies of relevance in each of the following passages.

1. Wow! Did you see that car from Texas cut in front of me? Texas drivers are really pathetic!

complex question
false cause
petitio principii
converse accident

2. All persons in the United States of America have equal rights. Therefore, this university should admit all and any applicant regardless of their high school records and low SAT scores.

complex question
false cause
petitio principii
converse accident

3. There is very little doubt that women write subtler poetry than men. The evidence is quite simple and straightforward. Men plainly do not write poetry as well as women write poetry.

complex question
false cause
petitio principii
converse accident

4. I know a student in mathematics who dropped out of college. Therefore, I have no doubt that it was the study of math which led to his losing interest in school.

complex question
false cause
petitio principii
converse accident

5. I can see that you are impressed with this philosophy course. Therefore, are you going to sign up for Eastern Philosophy or Existentialism next term? I'm sure you'll love one of them.

complex question
false cause
petitio principii
converse accident

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