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Course Requirements


Your course grade is based upon your book review, quizzes, and tests. The book review, quizzes, and tests are thought-provoking and require thinking through abstract issues carefully. Your course grade should reflect your understanding of some of the central concepts of Oriental thought, the expression and analysis of those concepts, and your reasoning and insight into their practical application.

Quizzes are short papers or objective questions written in class on a specific philosophical problem or argument. The quiz topic is announced in advance of the quiz day, and the topic has been thoroughly explored in a previous class. Your Quiz Average is based on your five best quizzes out of a total of seven quizzes given. Two quiz grades are dropped before averaging in order to allow for normal excused student absences. For this reason, there are no make-ups for Daily Quizzes.

Tests are usually a combination of objective, short answer, and essay questions. They are based on questions from the reading assignments, but unlike the quizzes, the tests are neither based on memorized facts nor based on objective information derived from memorized arguments. Instead, the emphasis given in tests is on the operation and active transformation or manipulation of the concepts learned. Some examples of the types of questions asked are given later in this syllabus.  Occasionally, take-home tests are offered.

The Book Review is an opportunity to share your interest in a specific area of Eastern thought with the class. You are to choose a book directly concerned some aspect of your interest in Oriental philosophy and prepare a review along the lines suggested in the book review data format later in this syllabus. Your book must be approved in advance by your instructor.

Evaluation of Your Course Grade, as a whole, is based equally on the following five factors:

  • Test 1: Siddhartha
  • Test 2: Hinduism
  • Test 3: Buddhism and Confucianism
  • Final Exam: Comprehensive--higher of grade achieved on test or each part of final exam is averaged.  See the FAQ for more information.
  • Quiz Average and Book Review (equally weighted)

Grade Evaluation: Your final course grade is assigned according to your final average.

  • An A (above 90 points) reflects approximately three to four hours of study per class period and represents a great deal of time, thought, and effort
  • A B (above 80 but below 90 points) reflects approximately two hours of study per class period and represents above average time, thought and effort.
  • A C (above 70 but below 80 points) reflects approximately one hour study per class period and represents average time, thought, and effort.
  • A D (above 60 but below 70 points) reflects cramming for examinations and represents minimum time, thought, and effort.
  • An F (below 60 points) reflects very little time, thought, and effort and represents below college level work.
  • An FA reflects attending fewer that 75% of class meetings.
  • An INC can only be given in cases of sudden illness or emergency.



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  Introduction |  Siddhartha  |  Hinduism  |  Confucianism  |  Buddhism  |  Zen  |  Taoism 
