
By Lee Archie <>

This is my paper on something.

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George Smith <>

I found your paper somewhat short.

Michael T Tucker <>

Your paper about "something" sure is nothing.

Matthew Knight <>

The paper is very short.

Bob Regalia <>

I think that given the topic, the length of the paper is appropriate. It's my comment that's too long.

Mack <Your E-Mail>

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Brian Bearden <none>

What is something?

Chun Yeung <>

What is "something"?

Gina Baker <>

Your paper about something isn't about anything.

Amy Young <>

Something, I believe in most cases, is better than nothing.

Nichole Sanders Your Name <>

This was a cool paper. You have a special talent to writing about something. The something really makes you think.

Tim Andrews <>

What does your paper on something refer to specifically, the actual pronoun itself or some kind of object, event, etc., that the "something" represents?

jennifer lester <>

Here is my one thing about the something on nothing.

Tom Lundis <>

When you say this is you paper on something, do you mean it is a paper about something? or do you mean this is my paper it is on something <ie it is on the webpage>?

daniel <>

that paper was full of great ideas.