

This publication is based on Open Source DocBook, a system of writing structured documents using SGML or XML in a presentation-neutral form using free programs. The functionality of Docbook is such that the same file can be published on the Web, printed as a standalone report, reprinted as part of a journal, processed into an audio file, changed into Braille, or converted to most other media types. More information about DocBook can be found at DocBook Open Repository.

Commands Used in Preparation

This book was prepared with

jade 1.2.1-28
openjade 1.3
jadetex 3.12-2

The PDF version was generated from introbook.sgml to introbook.pdf by the following series of command line arguments using Debian Woody:

First, the index was prepared with…

#  perl /usr/bin/ -N -o index.sgml
#  jade -t sgml -d /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/  \
	dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl -v html-index    \
#  perl /usr/bin/ -o index.sgml HTML.index

Second, the document was processed to introbook.pdf (where introbook.dsl is a local stylesheet) with a multi-step process…

#  openjade -V tex-backend -t tex -d introbook.dsl  \
#  pdftex "&pdfjadetex" introbook.tex
#  pdftex "&pdfjadetex" introbook.tex
#  pdftex "&pdfjadetex" introbook.tex

Processing to introbook.html had the command line argument…

#  jade  \
    -c  /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/  \
	dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl  \
    -t sgml introbook.sgml

Stylesheets, formatting, and help were made possible by docbook-apps mailing list and Norman Walsh's DocBook: The Definitive Guide published by O'Reilly. DocBook SGML is available at OASIS—SGML. When these resources proved insufficient, John Archie provided the necessary magic to remove the rust from the SGML tool-chain.

Emphasis in DocBook has shifted to several ways of creating output from XML, instead of the process used here.