Philosophy 302: Ethics Review For Test on the Problems of Ethics  Abstract: The topics and questions listed below are the most significant information covered in the first part of our study of introductory moral philosophy. Be able to define and give an example of each of the following concepts. 1. Morals (descriptive ethics) 2. Ethics (prescriptive) 3. Metaethics/Analytical Ethics 4. Nonmoral 5. Immoral 6. Amoral 7. Cultural Relativism 8. Ethical Relativism 9. Ethical Absolutism 10. Ethical Nihilism 11. Ethical Skepticism 12. Contributing Condition 13. Necessary Condition 14. Sufficient Condition Be able to discuss the main points and give examples for the following questions. 1. What are the central question of ethics? 2. What is an ethical or moral issue? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the various criteria of truth in ethical matters: authority, consensus gentium, legality, conscience, revelation, intuition, reason. 4. Why be moral? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the purported justification: divine command, "it pays," common interest, and "it's right." 5. What are the main objections to ethical relativism?