Philosophy 102: Introduction to
Philosophical Inquiry
Ethics and Philosophical EthicsETHICS
William James, "Man is Free"
l. __________The indeterminist believes that all
actions are completely free in every respect.
2. __________The doctrine of determinism is the belief that every event has a cause,
including human actions. Consequently, there is no real freedom of decision.
3. __________James' position on the Free
Will/Determinism Debate is that of determinism.
4. __________James believes that whenever you are
faced with a genuine option that cannot be decided on intellectual grounds, then you must
decide according to your passional nature.
5. __________James believes that the
determinism/indeterminism issue must be decided on the facts alone.
6. __________James believes that if determinism is true, then there is no human choice,
and, consequently, we could not rightfully describe any action as good or bad. Moral
concepts would have no meaning.
7. __________The genuine option theory cannot be applied to answer the free will problem.
8. __________If hard determinism were true, then all events in the universe would be
causally related to all other events in the universe.
9. __________An example of a momentus option would be your decision not to blame others
and take charge of your own life.
10. __________Fatalism is the belief that you cannot change how events in the world will
end up--no matter how hard you try.