Philosophy 102: Introduction to
Philosophical Inquiry
Ethics and Philosophical EthicsETHICS TEST CONTENTS
Jean Paul Sartre,
"Existentialist Ethics"
1. __________Both Christian and atheistic
existentialists think that the fact of man's existence is established first and then man
determines what his essence is to be.
2. __________Sartre believes all persons have at
least one thing in common and this is human nature.
3. __________Not only is man fully responsible
for himself, according to Sartre, but he is responsible for all men.
4. __________Sartre believes that all persons anguish over life's decisions and that those
who do not are hiding their anguish.
5. __________According to Sartre, we cannot
commit ourselves to any particular belief or religion.
6. __________Anguish means that we are responsible for all men, and no experiences in life
can convince us what is the right thing to do.
7. ___________The atheistic existentialist experiences forlornness: facing the
consequences of the fact that God does not exist.
8. __________Sartre believes a person is wholly
free except when a sweeping emotion leads that person to act.
9. __________Since there are no absolute ethics, Sartre believes you are condemned to be
10. ___________Sartre believes "You should
conquer yourself" rather than try to conquer the situation you are in because you
cannot really know the consequences of your actions.