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The worksheet below is designed to clarify the manner in which your grade in this course is calculated.
Course Grade Worksheet
Class |
Final |
Test |
Tests |
Tests |
or Ave |
A |
Test 1 |
Test 1 |
B |
Test 2 |
Test 2 |
C |
Test 3 |
Test 3 |
Quizzes |
1. Web Practice |
2. Paper or Translation |
3. mwforum Comment |
4. Quiz 4 |
5. Quiz 5 |
6. Quiz 6 |
7. Quiz 7 |
8. Quiz 8 |
9. Quiz 9 |
10. Quiz 10 |
Quiz Total |
D |
Quiz Ave. |
Semester Average |
A-D |
Legend for Worksheet
- Class Tests
- are given during the regular semester.
- Test 1 is ``Philosophy and the Meaning of Life."
- Test 2 is ``The Philosophy of Religion."
- Test 3 is ``Ethics and Philosophical Ethics."
- Final Tests
- are offered at the time of the Final Exam. If you are satisfied with your grade on each Class Test, you can exempt the Final Exam. If you wish to try to improve your grade on any or all of the regular semester tests, you may take any or all of the Final Tests. If you do take a Final Test, your test grade for that subject is the average of the Class Test and the Final Test even though your grade on the Final Test might be lower than your grade on the Class Test. If you have provided a written excused absence for a Class Test, you may take the Final Test in that subject as a ``make-up" test, and that grade is used in the calculation for the Semester Grade Average.
- Quiz
- grades are drawn from class assignments: homework, paper, discussion list, message boards, and in-class quizzes.
- Web Practice is the homework ``Web Practice Worksheet" in the Appendix to this syllabus.
- philhelp Discussion List (optional) is the grade determined by your email posts to the Majordomo Discussion List. Each of your messages appearing in the philhelp Archives counts two points per day for a maximum quiz grade of ten points. Your messages on the philhelp Archives are at
- mwforum Discussion Message Board (optional) is the grade determined by your posts to the mwforum Philosophy Discussion Board. Each message counts two points for per day a maximum quiz grade of ten points. You can find the number of messages you have posted by logging in to the Message Board and first click the link ``options" at the top of the page and then the link ``Info" on the same line as your username. Under ``statistics" on that page, you will see the total number of posts for all Message Boards.
- Paper or Translation is the grade determined by your Commentary, Position Paper, or Translation (Modern Language Option) which was posted to the mwforum Philosophy Papers Message Board, as described in the Appendix.
- mwforum Comments on the Paper Message Board is the grade determined by the number of comments you have posted to the papers uploaded by other students in the class.
- Quizzes are the grades determined by homework and in-class quizzes. Only the highest remaining quiz grades are counted toward your final average.
- Quiz Average
- is determined by adding the three required quiz scores to the highest other seven quiz scores and dividing by ten.
- Semester Average
- is determined by adding the Class Tests or Test Averages and the Quiz Average (i.e., A-D, above) and dividing by five. Your grade for the course is based upon this average in accordance with the corresponding letter grade in the table given above under the heading of ``Grades" in ``Class Policies" in this Syllabus.
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Lee Archie