Fallacies of Revelance Examples Quiz I     






Fallacies of Relevance Examples Quiz I

Directions:  Identify the fallacies of relevance in each of the following passages.

1. In spite of the best efforts of the scientific establishment, no cure for cancer has been forthcoming. Therefore, I conclude that it is pointless to continue spending large sums of money looking for a cure.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

2. Mr. Smith has set forth her reasons for the comparatively low salaries for postal employees. Her arguments are hardly deserving of careful consideration. After all, she has worked for the US Post Office for the last forty years.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

3. If you ask around, you will see that most people think that algebra is pretty useless in later life. For this reason, I cannot understand why we have to take a university course in this subject.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

4. Michael Greensby, one of the most erudite writers of the latter twentieth century, has recently endorsed the use of herbal remedies for rheumatism. Surely this conclusion of such a deep thinker is one that we all should seriously consider.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

5. The administration and staff of the university have issued a statement that registration is one of the most efficient in the state. I wouldn't choose to disagree with this statement if I were you since you probably would have difficulty getting into the classes you want next semester.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

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