Fallacies of Relevance Examples Quiz II     






Fallacies of Relevance Examples Quiz II

Directions:  Identify the fallacies of relevance in each of the following passages.

1. John R. Smithey, leader of the Western Christian Leadership Society, a brilliant lecturer and commentator, has endorsed the Instant Bran-Systematics Weight Loss Program.  Hence, I know that this is a good program because the opinion of a person of that caliber cannot be lightly dismissed.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

2. There is absolutely no convincing evidence which has been put forward to indicate that Existentialism as taught at this university is not the very best class offered there. Consequently, I conclude that there is no better course taught there.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

3. Look, Mr. Jackson, I have listened very patiently to your arguments and reasons for your appeal to city council to pave a sidewalk on Woodland Way. I think the real reason you want it is to enhance the value of your house there. Because you continually pester this council, we are going to deny your request.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

4. This university's parking policies must be great. There have been no midnight demonstrations and no anonymous letters sent to the President complaining of the policy. Therefore, it seems evident that everyone is satisfied.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

5. I know that the syllabus says there will be no make-up on tests except in case of emergency, and I will prove to you that I had an emergency on the day in question. My parents are really worried about my school work, my brother in Houston is sick, and my boyfriend doesn't understand me. I take these worries very seriously, so you can see why I couldn't come to class.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

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