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Philosophy 312: Oriental Philosophy
Test : Hinduism

Concepts: Characterize in some detail five of the following concepts.

a. sannyasin

b. dharma

c. henotheism

d. tat tvam asi

e. japam

f. Vedas

Translation: Translate the following sentences as clearly, completely, and concisely as possible.

1. The guru practicing jnana yoga experiences moksha.

2. Atman becomes Brahman.

Analysis: Answer in as much detail as possible in the time limits imposed one question from each of the following two groups.

Group I a. Give good reasons for the doctrine of reincarnation by arguing from the nature of the soul. Show how the doctrine of karma and the caste system are implied by the nature of reincarnation and the soul.


b. Explain, by describing in detail, how the self is conquered in each of the four kinds of yoga. Is the moksa obtained different for each?


Group II a. Suppose one wanted to practice all four main kinds of yoga, and one recognized that an ideal life corresponds to the Hindu stages of life. Explain by describing in detain which kind of yoga is appropriate at each stage of life.


b. Show how the purposes of life (or "ends" of life) as described in Hinduism (i.e., The Path of Desire, The Path of Worldly Success, etc.) may be best obtained according to the four stages of life described in Hinduism. Do the ends of life correspond exactly to the stages of life?




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