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General Preparation

  1. Part of your preparation at the beginning of the semester involves setting up a study place and a study schedule.

    1. Starting with one special place for study is the most effective first step for most people. However, if you are a person who seeks change and variety as a way of life, you will probably want to set up several different study areas and rotate the use of them on a regular basis.

      1. Trying to study in many different places usually increases the difficulties of trying to study efficiently because of the tendency to be distracted and, as well, not having all the tools of your profession handy.

      2. Trying to study in many different places increases the difficulties of concentration on the subject matter. Time can be lost in "settling in."

      3. By studying in the same place, you become conditioned or habituated to study at a certain time and a certain place.

    2. Keep all distractions away from your desk, but have all the study tools handy.

  2. Slight amounts of muscular tension generally lead to increased efficiency and accuracy in mental work. Studies have shown that studying in a lounge chair, the floor, or in bed increases the time necessary to complete a task.

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