Sentence pattern:

if [sentence 1] then [sentence 2]
not [sentence 2]

Therefore, not [sentence 1]


If Rexin contains morphine. then it is habit forming.

It is not the case that it is habit forming.
Therefore, it is not the case that Rexin contains morphine..
Example symbolized:
Following the logical convention of letting a single letter represent an atomic sentence:

R = Rexin contains morphine.
H = It is habit forming..

And replacing 'if...then...' with a symbol for implication: >
And replacing 'it is not the case' with: ~

R > H

 Example of MT:

~(S > H) > ~(F + ~P)
(F + ~P)
~~(S > H)


1. ~M > (~K > M)
2. ~M             ~~K 
3. ~K > M      1, 2 MP
4. ~~K         2, 3 MT