Ethics Essay 40 points.

Use complete sentences and paragraph form to answer in careful detail and in your own words. Please remember, as well, specific examples must be explained not just mentioned in order to receive full credit. Although you may use quotations of definitions from reliable sources for part of your answer, you must also explain the definitions and explain examples in your own words. All exact quotations must be cited with a proper citation style such as M.L.A., A.P.A., Science, or Chicago. Helpful and quickly accessed examples are available here:
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Part A: Answer one of the following questions. (Do not copy the question with your answer.)
  1. Define and distinguish between the terms psychological and ethical egoism. Explain ``The Myth of the Ring of Gyges'' and how it relates to the ``social contract.'' How does the myth relate to the philosophies of psychological and ethical egoism? Is Plato, himself, an egoist? Explain whether or not all self-interested actions are selfish actions.

  2. What is the linguistic refutation of psychological egoism? That is, explain in detail why psychological egoism is ultimately a meaningless theory? Be sure to characterize psychological egoism and explain how it differs from ethical egoism. Also explain why ethical egoism cannot properly be considered a philosophical theory at all.

Part B: Answer one of the following questions. (Do not copy the question with your answer.)

  1. Explain Nietzsche's distinction between master-morality and slave-morality. Explain why you think master morality and/or slave morality would regard Christianity as a religion which should be followed by most people. Why would the masters endorse the doctrines of Christianity for persons who are the noble type of persons?

  2. What does Sartre mean when he says ``existence precedes essence''? Explain the meaning of those terms as Sartre uses them and explain examples of those terms. Explain the meaning of those terms without philosophical jargon in ordinary language. In what sense does Sartre argue that ``we are condemned to be free''? What does this phrase mean and how does it lead to despair? Explain the meaning of ``despair'' and explain (not just mention) an example of Sartre's use of the term.

Lee Archie 2011-06-12