Fallacies of Relevance Examples Quiz III     






Quiz: Fallacies of Relevance, Part III

Directions: Identify the fallacies of relevance in each of the following passages.

1. Smith's argument concerning the Democratic President's abilities can't be any good, because it is well known that Smith has been a Republican for many years.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

2. But professor, I just have to get a B in this course or I will lose my scholarship, all I'm asking for is just this one break.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

3. Members of the committee, you have before you our new hiring procedures. All persons opposed to our new policies please signify by saying "I resign."

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

4. Mr. Jones has clearly and concisely given his opinion concerning nuclear reactors. But, let me remind you that we could hardly expect him to say anything else because he has worked in the nuclear power industry for forty years.

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

5. Ms. Chairperson, everyone is struggling to complete the proposal before the deadline. No one wants to work this hard, and everyone thinks we should be able to take a break now and then — that in itself should imply you simply have to have the mayor extend the deadline..

ad ignorantiam
ad verecundiam
ad hominem
ad populum
ad misericordiam
ad baculum

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