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Philosophy 302: Ethics Directions: Mark the following questions as "true" or as "false." 1. __________ Socrates believed that knowledge is the same thing as virtue or excellence and is always good.
2. __________ Socrates believed that ignorance is the same thing as evil and is always immoral.
3. __________ Socrates believes that we are responsible for what we know and, indeed, are held accountable for what we know.
4. __________ According to Socrates' doctrine, no one could possibly knowingly act evilly.
5. __________ Since everyone seeks his own good, it follows that when we are unhappy we are acting in ignorance.
6. __________ Socrates believed that the only thing more important than doing the right thing is a life-and-death decision.
7. __________ If Socrates is right, some people knowingly do some things they really know they shouldn't.
8. __________ Socrates implies that if I am ignorant, then it is still possible that I might make a good decision by luck.
9. __________ Socrates would agree that in a few cases cheating could be to one's long-term advantage.
10.__________ The Socratic Paradox is probably wrong because some people actually do try to harm themselves. Recommended Sources Quiz
on the Socratic Paradox: An
Introduction to Philosophy quiz on the Socratic Paradox. |
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