Philosophy 102: Introduction to
Philosophical Inquiry
Ethics and Philosophical EthicsETHICS
Bentham's Hedonistic Calculus
1. __________ In the hedonistic calculus, the
duration of the pleasure is measured in increments of time such as minutes, hours, and so
2. __________ The purity of the pleasure is
measured by the degree goodness as opposed to evil in the pleasure.
3. __________ The fecundity of pleasure is the
probability that the pleasure will lead to other pleasures in the future.
4. __________ The fecundity of pleasure is the
list of all other pleasures or pains that result from the original pleasure.
5. __________ The intensity of pleasure,
according to Bentham, is simply a measure of how intense a pleasure is estimated to be.
6. __________ The extent of a pleasure in the
hedonistic calculus is measured by how far other pleasures are spread out for the future
of the individual concerned.
7. __________ The propinquity is a measure of the
remoteness of a pleasure, that is how far off in the future is the pleasure and what the
value of waiting is.
8. __________ The certainty of the pleasure is a
probabilistic measurement based on how real or artificial the pleasure is.
9. __________ The extent of a pleasure is best
measured by the number of persons who are affected by the pleasure.
10. _________ According to Bentham, pleasures are
ends only of behavior and not means or instruments of behavior.