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Citation Information for ‘Characteristics of a Philosophical Problem’”

This page is not intended to be original or authoritative. The page is a summary of some main points and associated notes on the topic. Undoubtedly, there are scholarly and authoritative sources, both primary and secondary which ought be cited rather than these notes.

However if you find the page of use, your citation should meet the style requirements of the publication for which you are submitting your paper. In general, the current page may be cited in this manner:

Archie, Lee C, “Characteristics of a Philosophical Problem,”Introduction to Philosophy (June 24, 2006) URL=<http://philosophy.lander.edu/intro/character.shtml>.

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“[N]o philosophical problem can be solved until all philosopical problems are solved; which means that as long as they aren't all solved every new difficulty renders all our previous results questionable. To this statement we can only give a rough answer if we are to speak about philosophy in such general terms. It is, that every new problem which arises may be put in question the position which our previous partial results are to occupy in the final picture. One then speaks of having to reinterpret these previous results; and we should say: they have to be placed in a different surrounding.” Ludwig Witgenstein, Preliminary Studies for the ‘Philosophical Investigations’ ed. Peter Docherty (London: Blackwell Publishing, 1980), 44.

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